Recent Updates
Spell Check
The text editor has been upgraded to included new features. The new features include spell check, font name, special characters, and strike through.
New Upgrade - Rich Text Editor
The text editor has been upgraded to included new features. The new features include spell check, font name, special characters, and strike through.
New Update - User Profiles
The User Profiles has been updated to be included in user management permissions. Now you can enable and disable which group that you would like to have them. By default, all groups will have user profiles enabled.
Notice - Website Search and Website Sitemap
The Website Search and Website Sitemap has been moved from "Website Information" to "Site Preferences".
New Tool - Enhanced Images
The enhanced images allows users to view images, when they are expanded, directly in the pages with visual effects. When enabled, this feature will be automatically applied to all images within each page as well as the image gallery.
New Tool - Footer Management
The footer management tool was added to give you the ability to add information at the bottom of every page of your website. This is a great place to put a catch phrase or contact information. Depending on your design layout the footer may be located in different locations.
New Tool - Submenu Snippets
The submenu snippets tool was added to give you the ability to add information underneath your side navigation. A snippet can be an image, video, or bit of code (ie javascript). This is a great place to put ads, weather, specials and much more!
New Update - Pockets
The pockets in the Standard Content module has been updated so that it can be hidden and unhidden within the page. To show pockets, click the "Pockets" tab located at the top of the page.
New Feature - User Profiles
The user profile has been added to make it easier to manage users. Now each user can manage their own information such as changing password, name, etc. There is also the ability to add an image which is utilized in the discussion forum. The ability to recover a lost password is available on the login page.
New Module - Pockets
Pockets are a new way to enhance the Front page, or any page that utilizes the standard content module. You can add flash movies, or highlight new features on your website with small "teaser" introductions that link to other information on your site. Any information you would like to highlight can be displayed in the pockets.
New Upgrade - Multiple Categories
The gallery and video gallery modules has been upgraded to include multiple categories. For more information refer to the manual or online manual located at
New Feature - Landing Page
The Landing Page feature has been added. This feature allows you create your own landing page on your website using images, text and video. This feature is located within "Admin". If you already have a landing page, it will not be adversely affected by this feature.
New Update - Stats Password
A password has been added to your website traffic stats. The user/pass is set to "****" (no quotes). This will stop anyone from randomly guessing where your stats are located and viewing your traffic details. Call Techweavers for your user/pass.
New Update - Manual
The Manual has been updated. Included is the Video Module, Video Logo feature, and adding videos.
New Update - Video
The content management system now has the ability to convert and embed video directly within the content of the website. Formats that are supported include avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, wmv, and 3gp. Video can be added to standard content, article manager, directory listing, and blog modules.
New Feature - Video Logo - Watermark
A new feature has been added in administration to allow you to upload your own customized logo or watermark to use with the video player. Each video can have different logos. By default, the video player will use the Techweavers logo.
New Module - Video Gallery
The "Video Gallery" module allows you to upload video that is converted to display directly within your website. The video gallery also automatically generates thumbnails and gives you the ability to customize your own logo or watermark within the video player. Please note that extensive use of videos may increase your monthly bandwidth use.
New Update - Image Gallery
The image gallery module has been updated to include categories and reverse order. The categories feature allows you to create multiple galleries within one page by putting the images in different categories. The reverse order option is located in the page introduction section and allows you to automatically re-order the most recently added images first.
New Update - Directory module
The directory module categories has been updated to allow the selection of multiple categories. Now all listings may have more than one category. For more information, please refer to the manual.
New Update - Survey Module
The survey module was developed with the poll module and email form in mind. This module gives you the ability to create and manage a variety of different types of questions and answers with reporting and email options. There is a page introduction with one option of receiving the survey results via email.
New Update - Mini Calendar Module
The mini calendar module has been updated to allow recurring events. Events can now be added to repeat daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
New Update - Flash Video Player (FLV)
The file upload tool in all modules has the ability to utilize flash video (FLV) files. When you upload an FLV file using the file upload tool, it will be loaded into our Flash Video Player which gives you the ability to stream video with volume and video controls. The FLV file size will have the same limit as normal files, which is 100 MB.
New Update - File Upload
The Page Introduction section for each module has been updated to include the ability to upload a file. The Mini Calendar event section has also been updated to include the ability to upload a file for each event.
New Update - Google Analytics
The Google Analytics field has been added to the Metatags administration to allow the ability to add the code necessary to allow google analytics to your website. For more information please visit or view our help manual at
New Update - Share As Link
The Share as Link feature has been updated on the Blog and Article Modules to allow them to be enabled or disabled. By default, Share as Link is enabled. To disable this feature navigate to your blog or article page introduction and uncheck the "Enable Share as Link"
New Update - Images
Images have been updated. Now you have the option to add a URL to an image. When the image is clicked on it will take the user to the URL. The URL target may be a new window or same window.
New Update - Forum Module
The forum module has been updated. The new update includes the editor being added for creating new posts, the ability to edit previous posts and threads, and the change of display from "Firstname & Lastname" to use "usernames".
New Update - Paypal Buy Now
A new option has been added to the Paypal Buy Now introduction. Now you can enable a shopping cart to allow your clients to add more than one item to their order. For more information visit our online help manual here.
New Update - Login Link
For your added convenience, we have included a login link at the bottom of your website. This link will allow you and your website member to access protected content, or to login to administer your website if you have provided them these abilities.
New Update - Keyword
A new field has been added to the keywords labeled "Verify Code". This code is where you would put the verification metatag from Google Webmaster Tools which is necessary to access some of the tools that Google offers. For more information visit our online help manual here.
New Upgrade - Header Graphic
The header graphic tool has been upgraded. Now you can upload header graphic images per area or per page.
New Tool - Grabber Ads
The new “Grabber Ad” tool allows you to promote new products and services, advertise or showcase anything else on your website while creating a banner like popup effect. Not only does this allow you to create a different ad on every page, it also allows you to keep track of which ads have been clicked on and how many times. For more information please visit our online help manual here.
New Module - RSS Feed Viewer
The "RSS Feed Viewer" module allows you to display a RSS or Atom (XML) feed directly within your website. This allows you to stream current events or news from different websites. To add this new module, simply create a new page using the "RSS Feed Viewer" module. To configure this module all you need is the RSS feed url. To learn more about RSS Feeds, refer to the Techweavers manual.
New Upgrade - Image Gallery
The "Image Gallery" module has been updated to include a "Gallery Search" feature. This allows you to search photo captions within the specific gallery page. To enable this feature, simply go to the gallery page introduction and check the "Gallery Keyword Search" checkbox.
New Upgrade - Blog & Article Manager
The "Blog" and "Article Manager" modules have been updated to include a "share as link" feature. This enables you to share the article or blog entry through bookmarks, delicious, myspace, facebook and much more.
To "share" an entry, simply navigate to the blog or article entry and mouseover the button on the right bottom corner and select how you would like to share the page.
New Upgrade - Page Introduction
The "Page Introduction" for all modules except the "Mini Calendar" module have been upgraded. Now you can upload a picture to be included with your page introduction. Images can be uploaded like any of the other content. Simply, click the "Image" tab to expand the image options and select your image and image options.
New Upgrade - Image Gallery
The Image Gallery module has been upgraded. Now you have the ability to upload up to three images at a time. Please keep in mind if you are uploading more than one image at a time, it may take a little longer to upload so please be patient.
New Upgrade - Email Form
The Email Form module has been upgraded. Now you are able to create your own thank you message. This message will be displayed when the user completes the form successfully. If you do not enter a message by default it will display "The form has been sent successfully.."
New Upgrade - Products Listing
The Product Listing module has been upgraded. This update applies to the "Compact Listing", which allows you to now specify how many products you would like to have across and down, much like the image gallery. For example, 3 products across by 5 down. The thumbnail images will also be resized to fit the page, so if you have 2 products across your thumbnails will be larger than if you have 4 across.
Paging has been added, which is for both "Expanded" and "Compact ". So now you are able to choose how many products you would like to display per page. Paging will automatically be added when you choose "Compacted Listing", where as with the "Expanded" it is optional.
New Upgrade - Image Resizing Tool
Are your images to large to upload to your website?
Now you can easily make your images smaller with our new Image Resizing Tool! To access the tool, click the "Image Tool" link, which will be located under the "Account" subheading of the administration page of your website.
New Update - Manual
The Website Manual has been updated. Included are the new modules, such as blog, paypal, pockets and more!
To download the new manual, click the "Website Manual" link that is located on the side navigation of your website administration.
New Upgrade - Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor has been upgraded. The rich text editor is now more compatible with newer browsers and recent updates to Internet Explorer. Improved table support, and some fixes with bulleting are some recent improvements.
New Module - Blog
Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting) or sexual in nature (Adult blog), and are part of a wider network of social media.
New Mini Calendar - Update
We have again improved the calendar functionality. The Mini Cal Module now allows you to display a full month at a glance. Clicking on any day, will provide you with only that days events, but clicking on any month header will provide you with the full months events. By default, a full months events will be displayed.
Website Backup
The New one step backup and one step restore is in place. Sites in excess of 32MB will need to contact the office to facilitate a restore. We suggest you backup your website before you make edits to it, in the event the edits do not go as planned, you can easily restore your site.
New Module - FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
A new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) module has been added. To use this new module, create a new page as per normal but select the new "FAQ" page type.
Click Tracker is in!
And additional updates are on the way!!