Website Development

Here at Techweavers we have a different approach to website development.  Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel with every project, we've developed our technology to best accomodate the needs of small to mid sized business. We also continue development and provide any kind of improvements and updates to our clients without any additional charge.

Wait, upgrades are free?

One of the great things about our platform being service based rather than product based is that you don't have to pay extra  for upgrades, or improvements to the web technology. It lets you keep up-to-date without re-development costs.

So you're a CMS?

We are indeed! You can find out more about Content Management Systems here but the general idea is that you can log in and make changes to the content of your website without having to pay anyone.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

Traditionally you would have a web developer hand-code everything for you.  They would do your updates, and while passing them the work is a lot more convenient than doing it yourself, it's also a ton more expensive.  Our system was designed with you in mind, and you shouldn't have to know how to code anything to update your website.

Oh, it's easy and saves me money?

A web presence shouldn't cost thousands for small businesses, and empowering you is one of the ways we're able to save you money. That being said, we do have the capability to do your updates, it's just more expensive (and it's really quite easy for you to engage with).

I heard you rebuilt my friends site for free?

Sometimes upgrades are more significant than others.  On our last major version revision we completely rebuilt our clients sites in the newer version.  We did this at no charge to them. This is one of the ways we keep our clients happy, and our websites competitive.

What if I have custom development?

Our web technology can accomodate a huge range of custom projects.  If you have something you really need integrated into the site, give us a call and we'll advise you on how we can Get it Done!.

Version 5.3
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