Customer Relationship Management Software

So, what does "CRM" software do?

It basically tracks information. From leads, to clients, phone calls, tasks, appointments, and more. Our CRM platform also allows that information to be shared with other members of your organization.  You can assign phone calls, tasks, appointments and more between different people to ensure that no detail gets dropped.

Wow, that sounds important... Why isn't everyone using this stuff?

Traditionally, CRM software is very expensive.  It's licenced on a per-user basis so you could spend $50, $100, or more per user.  So it's not something everyone has equal access to.

... and Techweavers includes it for nothing extra? 

We do!  Technically our CRM platform is in Beta, but we do currently include it with our web services.  We also have no intention on ever having it cost anything additional.  It's an important feature for those that make use of it, and we believe that the best businesses are based on providing value. We want to be the very best web services company.

How many users can I have?

We don't have any kind of limitations on users.  We really want to encourage the liberal use of our platform and to put in those kinds of restrictions would only serve as a barrier between its you and its use. 

What does it being in "Beta" mean?

This means that our platform is still fully under development and we expect it to change in a variety of ways.  We have a list of features we'd like to add to it over time and expect it to improve dramatically over it's development cycle.

So how do I get started?

By getting in contact with Steve! You can do this by Clicking Here!

Version 5.3
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