Comprehensive Statistics
Statistics are one of those things that are polarizing. Some people really like stats and want to know a to-the-minute account of how things are going. Others, believe them to be irrelevant. We provide incredibly comprehensive statistics because it's a measure of how the website is performing. It can also be an indicator of where things could be improved.
How does Techweavers track traffic?
We believe that it's the most useful to track unique visitors. We do this by only counting each IP address as one user. This allows us to get a much better representation of actual visitors rather than provide some kind of unauthentic inflated numbers.
Is that the only thing you track?
No, we track unique visitors, amount of times they visited, how many pages they viewed, and then we break that information down in to days of the week, month, among a huge amount of additional information.
So how can this help me? I just want phone calls from clients.
Well, statistics can help you understand what's going on with the website, where traffic is coming from, and what's happening with it once it gets to the website. If our visitors leaving within the first 30 seconds, perhaps we need to improve our content a little. The statistics can also help keep our other marketing efforts accountable.
How can it keep marketing accountable?
As we break down our stats into various time segments, we can see if there's been a vast increase in traffic over previous time periods. If we poured time and money into an advertising venue and saw no increase in traffic, it's probably a good time to pick a different venue.
What else do I need to know about your statistics?
We keep a historical of our statistics so if you want a month by month or year by year breakdown of our stats, you have access to them from the very start of your website for as long as you're with us.
Oh wow, how do I get started?
By getting in contact with Techweavers!
You can do this by Clicking Here!