Website Design

The design of your website needs to match or exceed the professionalism of your company.  This is why each of our projects is hand-crafted to provide you with a unique and identifiable website.  The design should not take away from your content however, and it should not get in the way of the major objectives of a website. 

What are the major objectives of a website?

Well, we believe that the major three things a website should do are:

  1. Represent you professionally. 
  2. Be found on the search engines.
  3. Be easy to navigate through for your potential client.

Then why is it important for me to be able to change things?

A website that never changes will lose relevancy on the search engines.  Also, your potential clients have no reason to ever return to your site if it never changes. We know that changes must be made over time, which leads us to the next question...

How can I change things affordably?

Well, by cutting out the web-person.  If you do the updates, you don't have to pay to have them done. This is a significant cost savings over the traditional method. 

Can I do the design myself?

A significant amount of your websites design is shaped by your content which you do have total control over.  However, there are some design elements that we will need to help with. If you provide your framework, graphics, and any other materials, we can absolutely deliver your concept. 

What about future design changes?

We do the best we can to accomodate most requests and with the clients who have been on for a reasonable amount of time, we have been known to re-design their sites at no charge.  However, if you wanted a new design every month, we would have to discuss a custom package. 

But the design is included... Right?

Absolutely!  We will custom design your website to represent your business.  So please, contact us today to Get Started!

Please Note:

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